FAQ - otázky a odpovědi
Tajná stránka č. 2 - Místo xxx v odkazu dopiš aktuální počet živých koní ve hře (Komunita → adresář).
Tajná stránka č. 3 - Místo xxx v odkazu dopiš ID hráče, který včera vyhrál nejvíce soutěží (Pořadí → chovatelé → ID je číslo na konci URL adresy profilu hráče).
Pozn.: URL adresa hráče je jeho adresa, kterou vidíš nahoře v prohlížeči, např.: http://www.howrse.cz/joueur/fiche/?id=489627 - to číslo na konci ID hráče, toto číslo má každý hráč jiné.
Stránky se ti zobrazí pouze pokud to máš takový cíl!
Q: Kde najdu Bezpečný útulek?
A: Chov » Moje kancelář » Bezpečný útulek. Musíš však mít 0 a víc bodů karmy.
Q: Kde najdu deku, bič nebo mazivo?
A: Pokud budeš dávat koně do boxu, časem tyto věci najdeš.
Q: Kde je poznámkový blok?
A: Komunita » Soukromá pošta.
Q: Jak pošlu zprávu Owovi?
A: Jen dodrž zadání. Napiš smajlíka :) do předmětu a odešli to pro Ow.
Q: Cíl č. 96 - kde je kůň narozený...?
A: 07. 04. 2011 ZDE × 06. 04. 2011 ZDE × 05. 04. 2011 ZDE × Více koní můžete nalézt na profiluTommy_the_Snowfall
Q: Cíl - trénovat/jet na vyjížďku aspoň X hodin v kuse.
A: Pokud máš trénovat koně X hodin v kuse, potřebuješ koníka staršího 2 let (aby měl možnost tréninku). Nejvhodnější je zvolit pro trénink drezuru, protože ubírá nejméně energie. Dej si také pozor, aby koník měl 100% zdraví a morálku, jinak ti trénink bude ubírat více energie, než by měl! S vyjížďkami je to obdobné - nejméně energie ubírá klus.
Q: Cíl - zúčastnit se soutěže ubírající X % energie.
A: Každá soutěž ubírá jiné množství energie, nelze proto říct přesně, do které soutěže bys měl koně přihlásit. Dalším ovlivňujícím faktorem jsou také dovednosti daného koně - pokud má dovednosti rozhodující pro onu soutěž vyšší, spotřebovaná energie bude nižší.
Q: Jak získám příponu a jak ji dám koni?
A: Až budeš mít 30 odsloužených dní, tak si ji vytvoříš v menu Chov » Moje kancelář » Moje přípony. Koni ji přiřadíš, když klikneš na tlačítko plus u jeho jména - pokud jsi koně odchoval ty, bude tam možnost přiřadit příponu; koníkům, kteří nejsou tebou odchovaní, nelze dát příponu. Stejně tak příponu u koně, kterého si s ní již koupíš, nelze změnit.
Q: Jak udělám chovnou farmu?
A: Až budeš mít 60 odsloužených dní, tak ji vytvoříš v menu Chov » Moje koně » tlačítkem plus na liště dole"Vytvořit novou chovnou farmu".
Q: Jak přesunout koně z jedné chovné farmy do druhé?
A: Je to stejné, jako bys chtěl koně přejmenovat - klikneš na tlačítko plus u jména koně a vybereš si tam z nabídky farem. Pro majitele účtu Pegasus je to jednodušší - stačí při rozkliknutí dáné farmy zaškrtnou políčko u koně (koní), které chtějí přesunout a vpravo dole si vybrat ze "Přesunout do:".
Q: Zemře můj kůň, když má Kámen mudrců?
A: Ne.
Q: Co znamená Chovatel na penzi?
A: Chovatel již dále není na Howrse.
Q: Kde získám dalšího koně?
A: Můžeš si vychovat vlastní hříbě, koupit koně v prodejích, nebo pokud jsi tu méně než 20 dní, můžeš si na Černém trhu koupit hříbě Gaia.
Q: Uložil jsem koně ke spánku. Kdy se probudí?
A: Kůň stárne přirozeně jednou za den, pokud jsi ho dal spát. Probudí se ve 4:00, kdy začíná nový den. Nebo lze použít růstové body, aby se tvůj kůň probudil a zestárl ihned.
Q: Můj kůň má málo zdraví, co mám dělat?
A: V první řadě se o koně musíš pořádně starat. Pečlivě ho krmit, ale nepřekrmovat, hřebelcovat a dávat spát před 22:00 s více než (nebo přesně) 20% energie. Pokud je kůň hubený, dávej mu do doby než se spraví maximální dávky sena i jádra. Jestliže je příliš tlustý, nekrm ho vůbec.
Q: Jak se dostanu na Grand Prix?
A: Musíš najít vstupenku v Rohu hojnosti (není tam pokaždé, je to o štěstí - možná budeš muset otevřít 5 Rohů, možná 15 - vstupenku však stačí najít pouze jednou, pak se ti GP automaticky zpřístupní napořád).
Q: Co je to stužka, jak ji získám?
A: Stužka je zvláštní ocenění pro koně, kteří mají zpravidla vysoké dovednosti a tedy se mohou účastnit náročných soutěží. Získat ji můžeš v soutěži s prestiží rovnou nebo větší než 75 % - nezapomeň, že tyto soutěže jsou dostupné pouze koním s vysokými dovednostmi!
Q: Jak si přidám přítele?
A: Komunita » Moji přátelé » Přidat přítele.
Q: Jak přidám k příteli komentář?
A: V menu Komunita » Moji přátelé klikneš v řádku u daného přítele na ikonku "Upravit přátelství" - pod touto volbou lze přidat komentář či přítele posunout v seznamu.
Q: Jak získám jednorožce?
A: Pokud žádného nemáš, musíš si ho od někoho koupit. Pokud máš klisnu jednorožce, můžeš ji připustit podle pravidel.
Q: Jak získám pegase?
A: Musíš koni dát Krev Medusy. Pozor - ze dvou pegasů se nenarodí pegas!
Q: Můžu dát Krev Medusy jednorožci?
A: Ne, nemůžeš.
Q: Dají se Božští koně prodat/koupit?
A: Někteří ano, ostatní ne.
Q: Můžu připustit obyčejnou klisnu Božským koněm?
A: Ne. Božským hřebcem lze připustit pouze Božská klisna a to jen v některých případech (např.: pár Smaragd×Safír, Mist×Snow atd.).
Q: Kde se dozvím podrobnosti o karmě?
A: Profil » Můj účet » Moje karma.
Q: Jak seženu semena pasů?
A: To jsou velmi vzácná semena, která se v obchodě pro JC vyskytují jen občas.
Q: Jak získám růstové body?
A: Každou noc ti budou nabídnuty 2 růstové body zdarma, pokud máš méně než 3 ve svém inventáři, UFO ti přinese až 6 růstových bodů nebo nějaké získáš během péče o koně.
Q: Dal jsem koni se Zlatým jablkem Krev Medusy a nezobrazily se mu křídla, proč?
A: Pokud kůň dostal Zlaté jablko jako první, zůstane mu zbarvení bez křídel.
Q: Můžu koni odebrat předmět z Černého trhu nebo kamaráda?
A: Ne, nemůžeš. Lze to např. pouze v akcích, kdy je to vyžadováno (odebírání křídel pegasům u Lektvarů, Chornových časovačů u Výletu na pláž apod.).
Q: Co se stane s předměty a kamarádem, když kůň umře?
A: Zmizí s koněm.
Q: Co je to Stříbrné jablko?
A: Stříbrné jablko je v podstatě Zlaté jablko, které se "ztratilo" - když se podíváš na Zlaté jablko, některá zbarvení jsou limitována (je u toho zbarvení např. 40/100 - tzn. že je použito 40 kopií ze 100 a až se použije všech 100, ze Zlatého jablka bude Stříbrné). Jakmile je jablko jednou ztraceno, není již k dostání na ČT, lze pak leda získat dané zbarvení v prodejích (ovšem většinou za vysokou cenu).
Q: Co je to UFO?
A: To je objekt, který občas lítá po monitoru a pokud ho chytneš (klikneš na něj), dostaneš dárek.
Q: Co je to Přizpůsobené UFO?
A: To samé co UFO, jen ho mají na svých stránkách lidé s účtem Pegasus, UFO je z jejich inventáře.
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Transunion Says I’m Deceased
(Arthurfer, 15. 7. 2024 8:24)
Mistakenly Identified as Deceased by TransUnion: An Increasing Concern
Mistakes in credit reporting can have very negative effects. One of the most frightening mistakes people may face is having their credit bureaus, such as **TransUnion**, mistakenly report them as dead. This serious issue can have a major harmful impact on everything from career chances to credit applications. It is essential in such cases to know how to dispute a background check and to manage the difficulties of credit report disputes.
### Understanding the Problem
Imagine finding out you are erroneously listed as deceased on your credit record. This is not an unusual situation, however. Persons in this position must act swiftly to correct it. One important first step can be to contact a background check lawyer or a deceased on credit report lawyer. Specialists in background check errors, these experts can offer the advice you need to correct your credit report.
How to Contest a Background Check
Being aware of how to dispute a background check becomes critical when confronted with such a significant mistake. Reach out to the credit bureau that made the error first. You must confirm your ID and prove you are still not deceased. Employing marked as deceased on credit report lawyers can accelerate this sometimes challenging process. These professionals can guarantee your case is handled properly and walk you through the intricacies of a background check dispute.
The Role of Attorneys in Resolving Credit Report Errors
Notably important is engaging with my credit report says I'm deceased lawyers. These legal professionals specialize in detecting and correcting significant mistakes on credit reports. They can advocate for you in dealings with credit bureaus and other pertinent parties to ensure your issue is handled and fixed promptly. Given their expertise in background check disputes, they are familiar with the legal avenues open to rectify such errors and can provide strong counsel if necessary.
Preventing Future Errors
Once the error is resolved, actions must be taken to avoid it from reoccurring. Frequently reviewing for errors in your credit report can help identify problems early on. Preventive credit monitoring and knowing how to dispute a background check can help guard against potential mistakes. Should discrepancies appear, acting swiftly to **dispute a background check** can minimize the impact of these errors on your private and economic life.
In conclusion, it can be troubling when TransUnion reports you as deceased. However, with the right approach and support from experienced specialists like a background check lawyer, persons can navigate the journey of challenging these errors and regaining their creditworthiness.
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Nurturing Healthy Sexual Relationships Between Men and Women
(VernonEmuri, 4. 7. 2024 4:27)
Sexual relationships between men and women are a critical angle of compassionate connection and intimacy. They can bring blessing, nourish bonds, and help to entire well-being. On the other hand, fostering a well propagative relationship requires deed, understanding, and communal respect. Here are some leading points to carry on in resent:
Unobstructed Communication: Into operation and honest communication close to desires, boundaries, and expectations is crucial. Discussing these topics helps partners recognize each other and can retard misunderstandings or conflicts.
Reciprocated Give in to: Allow is the bottom of any sturdy sex relationship. Both partners should feel warm and game to participate in any procreative activity. It’s formidable to etiquette each other’s boundaries and assure that both parties are hearty hither the interaction.
Heated Intimacy: Construction a strong demonstrative connection can heighten physical intimacy. Fetching the space to unite on an frantic unchanging can govern to a more fulfilling sensuous relationship, where both partners have the impression valued and understood.
Appreciating Differences: Men and women may eat different perspectives and approaches to sex and intimacy. Recognizing and appreciating these differences can lead to a more in accord relationship, where both partners suffer their needs are met.
Inspection and Discrepancy: Keeping the carnal relationship sensuous can involve exploring new experiences together. Being expansive to each other’s fantasies and preferences can add ferment and scoop out the connection.
Prioritizing Haleness: Carnal well-being is an portentous side of a sturdy relationship. Daily check-ups, practicing sure lovemaking, and discussing sex trim unreservedly can inform appropriate prevent issues and strengthen a healthier connection.
Navigating Challenges: Every relationship encounters challenges. Whether it’s a argument in sexy desires, suffering, or other life factors, addressing these issues together with empathy and patience is essential.
Seeking Educated Regulation: If challenges fit uncontrollable, seeking succour from a shrink or counselor can be beneficial. Professionals can provide strategies and support to serve couples cross their propagative relationship more effectively.
By way of focusing on these elements, couples can make a genital relationship that is not not enjoyable but also respectful and nurturing. How do you maintain a healthy sexual relationship? Part your experiences and tips with the community!
Exploring Healthy Sexual Relationships Between Men and Women
(Lloydmopug, 4. 7. 2024 2:57)
Progenitive relationships between men and women are a constitutional mien of gentle connection, playing a decisive impersonation in emotive and palpable well-being. Though, achieving and maintaining a salubrious procreant relationship requires judgement, communication, and common respect. Here are some key points to consider:
Communication is Key: Unsealed, above-board conversations about desires, boundaries, and expectations can nick partners infer from each other healthier and avoid misunderstandings. It’s worthy to sensible of tried expressing your needs and concerns.
Authorize and Be considerate: Ok is the cornerstone of any healthy fleshly relationship. Both partners should feel contented and devoted round pleasant in any activity. Respecting each other's boundaries is pivotal throughout structure hand over and intimacy.
Fervid Association contact: Natural intimacy is again enhanced via a balanced tense bond. Charming measure to bolt emotionally can intensify the procreant relationship, making it more fulfilling in the interest of both partners.
Understanding Differences: Men and women can have different approaches to sex and intimacy. Apperception and appreciating these differences can advance to a more simpatico and comforting relationship.
Exploring Together: Sexuality is a journey that partners can review together. Vexing up to date things and being bare to each other’s fantasies and preferences can care for the relationship exciting and dynamic.
Constitution and Cover: Prioritizing animal health is essential. Biweekly check-ups, practicing riskless gender, and discussing sexual salubrity openly with your friend can frustrate well-being issues and exalt a healthier relationship.
Dealing with Challenges: Every relationship faces challenges. Whether it’s a mismatch in earthy desires, accentuate, or other vim factors, addressing these issues together with empathy and imperturbability is crucial.
Seeking Help When Needed: Then, couples may have need of masterful refrain from to sail their sexual relationship. Therapists and counselors can make valuable insights and strategies benefit of overcoming difficulties.
At near focusing on these aspects, couples can nourish a sexual relationship that is not only enjoyable but also nurturing and respectful. What are your thoughts and experiences on maintaining a hale and hearty procreant relationship? Percentage your insights and fail's chat about!
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MPK Germez
(WilliamFrind, 27. 6. 2024 4:11)МПК Гермес – ведущий поставщик металлопроката в Красноярске, основанный в 2011 году, специализируется на продаже арматуры, труб, швеллеров, уголков, профлистов и листов. За годы работы мы стали лидерами по поставкам металла в Красноярском крае, обслуживая предприятия и частных лиц.
Amazon background check
(JamesWes, 26. 6. 2024 20:32)
Understanding Amazon Background Checks
Amazon really dives deep into checking out potential employees to keep the place safe and secure. They’re on the lookout for any past criminal activity or other issues that might endanger someone’s job eligibility. But, mistakes happen, and if you’re aiming to work there, knowing how to fix these errors is super important.
Common Background Check Mistakes
Background check errors can occur from administrative goofs, identity mix-ups, or outdated info. People often find wrong details like fake criminal records or incorrect job histories. Knowing how to dispute a background check becomes crucial when you run into these kinds of errors. You have the right to dispute background check information if your report has inaccuracies.
Handling a Background Check Dispute
If you notice mistakes in your Amazon background check, you might wonder, "can you dispute a background check?" Yes, you absolutely can. Here’s how to dispute a failed background check:
1. Gather Evidence: Collect all the documents that prove the info is wrong.
2. Contact the Reporting Agency: Reach out to the company that did the background check. Send them your evidence and clearly state what’s incorrect.
3. Follow Up: Keep checking on your claim by regularly following up after you’ve submitted your dispute.
Knowing how to dispute a background check can help correct any errors. It might seem daunting, but acting fast and being thorough is crucial.
Looking for a Lawyer
Sometimes, solving a background check dispute requires outside help. Consulting a background check lawyer can give you the expertise to handle complex issues. Lawyers who specialize in background check errors can guide you on how to dispute criminal background check information and other related matters. They’ll help you understand the legal intricacies and ensure your rights are protected throughout the process.
Process to Follow in Contesting Background Check Information
Be clear and persistent when disputing background check info. Here’s what to do:
1. Identify the Error: Clearly pinpoint the wrong information. Whether it’s a criminal record or job history, finding the exact mistake is essential.
2. Dispute: Challenge the background check company. Knowing how to dispute something on your background check means filing a formal, often written, dispute.
3. Correct the Record: If your dispute is accepted, the background check company must correct the error and issue a new report.
Maintaining your reputation and getting a job means knowing how to dispute wrong information on a background check. Disputing a criminal background check can be particularly challenging and requires solid documentation and persistence.
Though navigating how to dispute background check information can be tough, mistakes can be fixed, ensuring your background check reflects your history accurately with the right approach and tools. Whether you’re addressing job discrepancies or criminal records, understanding your rights and the steps to take is crucial for successfully resolving these issues.
Knowing how to dispute background check information and dispute background check information is vital if your Amazon report has background check errors. It might feel overwhelming to learn how to dispute incorrect information on a background check or how to dispute something on your background check, but it’s necessary to correct mistakes and protect your professional standing.
Especially when dealing with how to dispute criminal background check information, consulting a background check lawyer can provide the necessary expertise to handle complex issues. Legal help can be invaluable, whether you’re figuring out how to dispute a criminal background check or simply need to know how to dispute a background check.
Learn more: https://ig-tchad.org/amazon-background-check/
Exploring the Miraculous of Dating: Connections, Nurturing, and Idea
(Cyharlesavero, 26. 6. 2024 2:36)
Dating is a go abroad that encompasses the magic of good samaritan bearing, offensive excrescence, and far-out discoveries. It is a process through which individuals search romantic possibilities, getting to know each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to part experiences, truck ideas, and fashion meaningful connections.
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Men Dating Men: Celebrating Adulation and Connection
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Exploring the Fascinating of Dating: Connections, Nurturing, and Revelation
(Cyharlesavero, 21. 6. 2024 13:25)
Dating is a excursion that encompasses the magic of human connection, slighting growth, and overpowering discoveries. It is a method toe which individuals scrutinize dreamt-up possibilities, getting to know each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to appropriate experiences, truck ideas, and fashion deep connections.
In the realm of dating, a person encounters a different kind of emotions. There's the exhilaration of convention someone trendy, the anticipation of a basic fixture, and the thrill of discovering stale interests and shared values. It is a time of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals unreserved themselves up to the feasibility of rapture and companionship.
Serviceable communication lies at the heart of dating, facilitating sympathy and consistency between two people. It involves active listening, virtuous symbol, and empathy, creating a space on authentic dialogue. Thoroughly communication, individuals can explore their compatibility, exchange thoughts and dreams, and develop intensify a bottom of trust.
Exploring the Fascinating of Dating: Connections, Advancement, and Idea
(Cyharlesavero, 18. 6. 2024 4:18)
Dating is a journey that encompasses the enchanting of good-natured coherence, slighting growth, and far-out discoveries. It is a dispose of through which individuals search romantic possibilities, getting to comprehend each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to allowance experiences, truck ideas, and father consequential connections.
In the empire of dating, whole encounters a diverse string of emotions. There's the exhilaration of meeting someone trendy, the anticipation of a first date, and the thrill of discovering stock interests and shared values. It is a stretch of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals unreserved themselves up to the plausibility of love and companionship.
Effectual communication lies at the heart of dating, facilitating understanding and correlation between two people. It involves acting listening, up expression, and empathy, creating a range object of trustworthy dialogue. Including communication, individuals can enquire into their compatibility, exchange thoughts and dreams, and build a fundamental of trust.
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Exploring the Magic of Dating: Connections, Advancement, and Determining
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Dating is a excursion that encompasses the magic of good samaritan ally, live rise, and exciting discoveries. It is a process through which individuals traverse impractical possibilities, getting to be acquainted with each other on a deeper level. Dating allows people to appropriate experiences, unpleasantness ideas, and create consequential connections.
In the monarchy of dating, one encounters a diverse kind of emotions. There's the exhilaration of meeting someone modish, the foreknowledge of a basic swain, and the quivering of discovering common interests and shared values. It is a continually of vulnerability and self-discovery as individuals unreserved themselves up to the potentiality of inclination and companionship.
Striking communication lies at the will of dating, facilitating accord and connection between two people. It involves acting listening, virtuous language, and empathy, creating a gap on veritable dialogue. Through communication, individuals can explore their compatibility, transfer thoughts and dreams, and develop intensify a fundamental of trust.
Men Dating Men: Celebrating Harmony and Pull
(Albertblato, 15. 6. 2024 15:57)
Men dating men sample love, connecting, and the dream of relationships in their own unique way.
In a everyone that embraces distinctiveness and inclusivity, same-sex relationships from found their place. Men who date men sail the joys and challenges of erection meaningful connections based on authenticity and joint understanding. They consecrate love while overcoming societal expectations, stereotypes, and discrimination.
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